FCS fins
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Here’s the story – In the early 1990’s a man by the name of Brian Whitty approached three local surfers from the Northern Beaches of Sydney with a brainwave; removable surfboard fins. Removable fins would make travelling easier, allow surfers to change their fin setup to suit varying conditions, and more importantly, give them the opportunity to change the performance of their surfboard simply by using a different fin template. In order for this brainwave to become a reality there would have to be a way to secure the fins to the board. Over the preceding months the idea was transformed into a reality and FCS was born. This would eventually become a pinnacle moment in surfing history. FCS stands for Fin Control System, and this six plug configuration would change the face of surfing. To this day FCS is the strongest, most successful, and also the most widely used surfboard fin system in the world.
Seabase established FCS in Europe, and for eight years were the original European distributors of FCS before they took over their distribution. We still stock the full range of generic FCS fins to fit FCS, Fusion and FCS II boxes. FCS are the industry standard fin system, and are the choice of our team and construction factory as standard in all surfboards. The most stable fin platform, FCS has an unbeatable range of original and after-market fins for all occasions and wave choices.